- Category of heat clearing and detoxification
- Category of cardio cerebrovascular category
- Category of reducing blood pressure and sugar
- Category of tonifying
- Category of regulating qi
- Category of anti-anemia
- Category of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
- Category of gastrointestinal tract
- Category of expectorant cough
Compound Ferrous Sulfate Granules
【Generic name of the drug】Compound Ferrous Sulfate Granules
【Functional indications】It is used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children, and also for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, lactating women and women with excessive menstruation.
【Specifications】Each capsule contains ferrous sulfate (FeSO4-7H2O) 50 mg, containing vitamin C 30 mg
【Usage and dosage】Taken orally. 1 capsule plus 1 sachet of granular flavoring agent at a time. Dissolve the granule flavoring agent in 50-100 ml of hot water first, then pour the contents of the capsule into the water, dissolve and take after meals. 1 time a day.
【Packages】Main agent: polyvinyl chloride solid pharmaceutical hard sheets and pharmaceutical aluminum foil; flavoring agent: Class III composite film (PET/aluminized PET/PE); main agent: 5 capsules/plate, 1 plate/box; 10 capsules/plate, 1 plate/box. Flavoring agent: 5 bags/box; 10 bags/box.
【Approval No.】SFDA H41024812
【Advertising approval number】Yuyao Guangshen (text) No. 230309-00567
【Precautions】 Please purchase and use according to the drug instructions or under the guidance of a pharmacist. Please refer to the instructions for the contraindications or precautions

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